The E.Y.E.S. Initiative
The E.Y.E.S. (Empowering Youth for Everyday Success) Initiative, equips thousands of underserved youth annually with the tools to succeed academically, financially, socially, and in wisely choosing a career.
BUF Sponsored Programs
Achieve and Accelerate: Overcoming Child Literacy
Partnering with the Calvary Education Center, this program helps to improve the reading, writing and mathematics skills of children by providing needed educational tools in the form of specific adaptive and assistive technology. The program uses a remedial model based on a universal design approach that targets students in the early years struggling with reading and math. Planned interventions engage the student's analytical, written and verbal communication, creative imagination, and abstract thinking skills, and stimulates the child's self-awareness and self-esteem.
Adventures in Reading and Literacy
This 12 week enrichment program motivates youth to dive into how much fun reading and literacy can be! Youth will engage in learning about the components of literacy in a hands-on and creative way. Activities will include creative writing journals, book clubs, spelling bees, a vision board book party, writing an instructional recipe, cooking, a library tour, field trips, and much more! The Adventures in Reading and Literacy Enrichment Program is facilitated by Urby Education’s staff through support from Diversified Community Services. This opportunity is only offered free to students, ages 10-16, living in Wayne County. There are only 30 spots available, so save your seat today!
BUF 45
In October 2015, in commemoration of BUF’s 45th Anniversary, the BUF 45 Scholars program was launched with the goal of assisting 45 African American males, ages 13-21 in their academic, social and career plans over a 5 year period. The program was based on research reporting college graduation rates for black males at 33%. BUF 45 Scholars have been provided with support services, laptop computers, educational and career-oriented field trips, a tailored business suit, trainings for success, information and referrals, and a scholarship to assist with college expenses. Our data to date shows that over 70% of the Scholars have either graduated or are slated to graduate from college with some pursuing graduate studies.
Chess Program
The game of Chess has traditionally been associated with being a unique match for intellectuals. Few people of color have been extended opportunities to participate in this complex board game. BUF partners with Detroit Chess Club to offer urban youth an exciting venture where they can cultivate and execute skills in the areas of problem-solving, logical thinking, and patterns of recognition and concentration. Weekly, youth are trained to play local and national chess matches and even to qualify for participation in international competitions. With a competitive mindset, youth become masters of the chessboard and strive to be crowned a winner.
Entrepreneurial & Employment Academy
BUF of MI readies youth to be a major player in creating innovative business ideas that will assists them in succeeding in the 21 century. This Academy helps to build the entrepreneurial mindset and provides related skills sets that youth need in order to design and actualize their strengths, talents, and interest. Youth learn and experience various facets of running a business. The program targets those considered “at-risk” and provides them an opportunity to envision a positive future. The Academy targets students in grades 7th –11th and works with community partners to inspire students to overcome barriers and seize opportunities for success.
Financial Literacy
We assist low income youth and families to break the ongoing cycle of economic poverty by empowering them with financial knowledge. Partnering with local and national financial institutions, the program is delivered in the form of workshops, summits, one-on-one mentoring, camps and classroom settings that train participants on how to effectively use money. Participants learn the mechanics of budgeting, savings and investing. Additionally, they learn how to responsibly use credit cards and practice good spending habits. Adult workshops offer information on home ownership, avoiding foreclosure and address high risk financial behaviors.
Future DOCs for Tomorrow: SINORMS
The Silas Norman Medical Scholars program addresses the need for more underserved and underrepresented persons in the field of medicine. BUF developed a program to interest youth to enter the field of medical arts. SINORMS targets cohorts of students starting at grade 7 and offers continued education and experiential opportunities through college. Students gain high levels of academic excellence in STEM-related areas. The program honors Dr. Silas Norm, Emeritus, who was a pioneer in the field of Medicine in the Detroit Metro Community.
Health and Wellness for Youth & Young Adults
The Health and Wellness for Youth & Young Adults program empowers participants to overcome life stressors and equips them to achieve emotional and social resilience necessary for lifelong success. Through workshops and one-on-one coaching, youth and youth adults are able to increase their self-confidence and self-efficacy, adopt positive self-care habits, decrease negative self-beliefs and behaviors, and reduce stressors in their life. Participants undergo a transformation in their thinking processes that leads to the development of a functional life plan with access to quality resources available in the community.
Project Aviation: The Sky is Not the Limit
Project Aviation provides a unique forum for youth of color to explore and experience the array of careers available in the field of aviation/avionics/aerospace. Along with aviation partners (Tuskegee Airmen National Museum, Federal Aviation Administration, Wayne State University, MIAT, Western Michigan , Black Pilots of America), youth learn the physics of flight, the mechanics of navigation and weather, and the professional skills needed in this field. A major feature of the program is the opportunity for youth to co-pilot a CESNA plane over the skies of Metro Detroit, as well as a chance to build and fly a drone.
Photography Academy
BUF of MI Photography Academy titled ‘Picture Me” offers youth an adventure that not only opens a lens to self-expression, positive self-imagery and self-confidence, but the myriad of careers where photographic talents are used. Youth are educated on the parts and proper use of a camera, the science of lighting, angles and landscaping in forming the perfect picture, and the history of famous Black photographers. Students are encouraged to apply the technical knowledge learned to creatively produce a self-portrait in both a group and individual setting. The program serves as a catalyst to spark interest in the wonderful possibilities of photography.
Scratch Coding
Along with our partner, Calvary Education Center, BUF offers a uCode program that exposes youth to the exciting field of coding. Youth learn the principles and application of computer programming. Through hands-on interactive activities that promote creative expression, youth are able to tell stories, design games, and compose music. Individual and group projects help to develop skills for teamwork and flexibility. The uCode program takes the fear out of computer program and puts the fun into learn a skill that is beneficial for both the present and future.
Youth Automotive Careers Exploratory Academy
BUF of MI, in partnership with Ford Philanthropy, hosts a summer academy that exposes youth to professional and skilled trade careers. The Academy targets cohorts of students in grades 7 to 10, where students can continue to build their skill sets. Through interactive and stimulating activities, students gain knowledge and experience about 'what it means to work' in the automotive industry. The program operates out of the Ford Community Center-East.
Female Leadership Development
In partnership with Treasure Within, Inc., BUF of Michigan supports the female leadership program that instills confidence, character and career readiness skills. Held monthly, the young girls learn to discover the treasures within themselves to achieve their potential. Young ladies, ages 8-19, develop social, emotional, etiquette, and intellectual tools. Quarterly, BUF schedules Female Zoom Chats with positive community role models.
Young Men of Color
Pathway to Excellence, a program supported by Black United Fund of Michigan, has been empowering African American high school students in Detroit Public Schools since its inception in 2010. This leadership development initiative is fully sponsored by Sigma Pi Phi (Boule). One of the oldest African American fraternities in the United States. The program utilizes a group mentoring approach to foster personal growth and executive leadership skills.
Youth Retail Business Institute
BUF of MI. in partnership with IKEA sponsors an Institute to expose youth to the field of retail business and entrepreneurship. Youth learn the basic knowledge of marketing and business planning and cultivate their creative skills The program targets cohorts of middle and high school youth and provides them an opportunity to envision a positive future. Students participate in a pitch competition that enhances their ability to communicate.

The Black United Fund of Michigan thanks our major sponsors for their continued, unwavering support of the E.Y.E.S. (Empowering Youth for Everyday Success) Initiative.
As a major sponsors of E.Y.E.S., they assists BUF in equipping thousands of underserved youth annually with the tools to succeed academically, financially, socially, and in wisely choosing a career. The Initiative is offered in both a face-to-face and virtual format that offers youth extended learning opportunities.